Soaring High: My Adventure at the Hillsboro Air Show

Attending the Hillsboro Air Show was a wild ride, packed with unexpected mishaps, new friendships, and stunning photos. From forgetting my memory card to capturing the electrifying F-16 in action, here's how I turned a series of surprises into an unforgettable photography adventure. And here’s a tip: you don’t always need a ticket to get those perfect shots.

Day One: The Great Memory Card Fiasco

The first day kicked off with sky-high excitement as I prepped my camera bag and set off, eager to capture the spectacle. But as soon as I arrived and pulled out my camera, I realized with a jolt – no memory card. That’s right, I had a camera with no way to store photos. Rookie mistake!

Determined not to miss out completely, I embarked on a frantic quest for a memory card. I dashed to three different stores around town, each stop more desperate than the last. Finally, success! With a memory card in hand, I raced back to the show, hoping to salvage the day.

Despite the delay, I managed to capture a few shots before the event wrapped up. The overcast skies provided a dramatic backdrop for the aerobatic displays, and the day's hustle made those few photos feel like hard-won trophies. Just as the show was winding down, the skies opened up with a heavy rain, adding a dramatic flair to the end of my adventure.

Day Two: Meeting Dean and the F-16 Spectacle

Armed with extra memory cards, I returned on day two with clear skies and high hopes. While setting up my gear, I met Dean, a seasoned pro who generously shared his expertise on the best angles and moments to capture.

Thanks to Dean’s guidance, I felt like I had a co-pilot. The highlight of the day was photographing the F-16 Fighting Falcon. This sleek jet, with its roaring engine and incredible speed, was the star of the show. Capturing it in flight was exhilarating. The F-16 sliced through the sky with precision, leaving trails of white vapor against the gray clouds. The dramatic skies provided a perfect contrast to the powerful jet, making for some striking photos.

Dean's tips on positioning and timing paid off, resulting in some of the best shots I’ve ever taken. The F-16's dynamic maneuvers were breathtaking, and capturing its agility against the moody sky was a thrilling experience.

Outside the Box (or Airport): Getting Great Shots Without a Ticket

One of the best parts about my experience was realizing that you don't necessarily need to buy a ticket to see and photograph the air show. Many of my shots, including those of the magnificent F-16, were taken from outside the airport grounds. The planes often perform maneuvers that are visible from surrounding areas, giving you the opportunity to capture incredible images without even entering the venue. So, if you're on a budget or just looking for a different perspective, don't hesitate to set up outside the official boundaries.

Reflections and Takeaways

The Hillsboro Air Show turned out to be an unforgettable experience, filled with unexpected lessons and delightful surprises. Forgetting my memory card on the first day was a comedic misstep, but it made the successful shots of the second day all the more rewarding. Meeting Dean was a lucky break, and his mentorship was invaluable.

For anyone planning to photograph an air show, here are a few light-hearted tips from my adventure:

  1. Double-Check Your Gear: Seriously, double-check. And then check again. Spare memory cards are your best friends.

  2. Make Friends: Connect with fellow photographers. You never know when a Dean will come along with tips that change everything.

  3. Weather the Weather: Be ready for rain or shine. Sometimes the most dramatic photos come from unexpected weather.

  4. Know Your Subjects: A little knowledge about the planes can go a long way in anticipating great shots.

  5. Enjoy the Ride: Embrace the mishaps and enjoy the experience. Every moment is part of the adventure.

  6. Think Outside the Airport: Great shots can be taken from outside the official grounds. Look for vantage points around the perimeter for unique perspectives.

The Hillsboro Air Show was more than just an event; it was a journey of learning, laughing, and capturing the breathtaking beauty of aviation. From the F-16's thrilling maneuvers to the unexpected rain showers, every moment added to the story. I can't wait for next year’s show, ready for new challenges and new stories to tell through my lens.